Do This Not That

Grimsby, ON

Project Image: Do This Not That

What is the problem?

The problem we are addressing is the excessive level of garbage that is being produced by the residents of the West Lincoln communities and the improper disposal of this garbage. The recycling potential is not being met and garbage is not being properly disposed of, over-running our streets, fields, streams, forests, trails and beaches.

How will you solve it?

We feel this issue is due to the lack of education for our residents about how to properly recycle their garbage, as well as the lack of disposal containers and the manpower to empty them in our recreation areas. Our efforts will be 2-fold: to educate our residents as to the proper methods and the importance of proper recycling techniques and to reduce the garbage that is released into the environment through efforts of clean-ups.

About Us

Our Eco-Club at our school has successfully initiated many campaigns throughout the years that has earned our school Gold-Standing for the last 3 years. We are seeing the difference a small group of dedicated and passionate youth can make within our school community. We now want to have a greater effect on the community members we live with in this special and unique area of the Greenbelt.

Our Project

Our project will entail numerous mini-campaigns and initiatives that will have long-lasting effects. We will focus on actions, behaviours and activities that our local community members can adopt into their lifestyle as habit to reduce the amount of garbage being produced in our community and released into our environment:

  • Our school assembly will be open to community members to attend with their children and will focus on methods to reduce waste in our area of the Greenbelt.
  • We will have a fashion show (of second-hand clothing from local thrift stores) and games/activities/competitions and video productions educating our students to buy used, re-use and recycle to reduce the amount of waste that fills our landfills and the poisons produced through manufacturing.
  • We are holding a soles-for-souls shoe donation to reduce the amount of shoes discarded into our landfill and sending them to 3rd world countries for more use.
  • We are holding a battery and electronic recycling campaign to reduce the amount of these products discarded into our landfill.
  • We are participating in the Yellow Fish Road initiative of community education about dumping harmful products into our sewers that go untreated into our lakes and streams.
  • We are holding numerous community, beach, forest, field and trail clean-ups to pull literally tons of garbage out of our earth and water habitats throughout the Greenbelt.

It is our belief that by providing both education and opportunities to our community members we can spread the word and model the action required to truly become the community we want to be with the health of our local ecosystem being our top priority.

Our Budget

  • $700 for transportation of our students to clean sites to participate in garbage clean-ups throughout the beaches of West-Lincoln and the forest, farms and trails of the Greenbelt of West Lincoln.
  • $100 for advertising for our battery recycling, clothes recycling, litter-less lunches, marker recycling and various other campaigns we will be running throughout the year in our school and the community.
  • $100 for fuel for travel required to collect deliver materials collected from our recycling campaigns to the appropriate facilities.
  • $100 for materials required to execute campaigns mentioned above (garbage bags, gloves, boxes and containers for recycling)
  • $45 Credit card processing fees (3%) so that 100% of your donation goes directly to our project!

Why Do This Not That?

We feel that our community members have taken the beautiful habitat we are privileged to live in for granted and do not feel the issue of the rising level of garbage is something of concern. We disagree to the utmost level and know the need is now if we are to have the adults and parents in our community come together to make our area of West Lincoln a shining example of what a healthy-garbage free ecosystem can and should be. We are in need of funds to help us execute our initiatives and put into action the plans we are so excited about. Thank you in advance for your consideration and please know that any funds you would graciously donate to use would be much appreciated well-earned and put to the best of use for what we feel is the most honourable of causes.

Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School Eco Club

Our Mission Statement: The Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School Eco Club nurtures wisdom to seek the truth about the state of our world’s ecology, mercy to help our world heal, and the power to do right for our earth and all it’s inhabitants. It is our purpose and intent to educate ourselves and then students of Blessed Trinity Catholic Secondary School and the Communities of West Lincoln as to the positive effect each of us can have by conscious and active participation in caring for and sustaining our natural habitats. We will effectively administer multiple campaigns each with specific focuses on activities and behaviours that we can implement in homes, schools, businesses and our community to support the healing of, and foster the growth of healthy natural habitats in our community and worldwide.

Our goal is to reduce the amount of garbage in our natural habitat by educating our residents on the proper methods and the importance of proper recycling techniques, and to reduce the garbage that is released into the environment through efforts of clean-ups.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Greenbelt Foundation

Small Change Fund, Reward-Donation, News Category, Crowdfunding, United Kingdom, English, Global Regions, Language


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