Have you ever wanted to know how busy certain places were? Whether you’re grabbing some coffee or catching a flick, find out just how busy a place is before you arrive. Bizzy is an app that utilizes crowdsourcing in order to figure out just that and more!
• Visualize how busy a place is with colorfully animated ratings, comments, and photos.
• Search through over a dozen categories from restaurants, malls, beaches, and more.
• Discover new places to add to your daily schedule.
• Fav the places you go most often.
• Update bizzyRatings to give others a heads up.
• Filter results by bizzyRating, distance, and timestamp.
• Navigate and call with a simple click.
How Bizzy works:
– Simply rate a place from 1-5 on how busy it is.
– Add a short comment to add some more context and flare.
– Photos and emojis welcome!
Get Bizzy with it!
Have you ever wanted to know how busy certain places were? Whether you’re grabbing some coffee or catching a flick, find out just how busy a place is before you arrive. Bizzy is an app that utilizes crowdsourcing in order to figure out just that and more!
Youtube: https://youtu.be/BJkSWwuGEDk
See Campaign: http://www.startupvalley.com/startups/bizzy-find-out-what-is-isnt-busy
Contact Information:
StartupValley, United States, Equity, Consumer, English, Mobile and Social Apps, Computers and Software, Software, Florida, Lifestyle & Leisure, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: icnw