Confessions of Don Black – The Viciousness of the Underworld

Synopsis of the victorious Don Black

MAXIMILLIAN (MAX) BLACK, a teenager who had trouble that started with him being a productof the best kept rape secret between the master and a servant way back in the sixties in apartheid South Africa. He led a life in squalor until, unbeknownst to him, he was adopted by the masterhimself, after his mothers death. He had earlier, this being his first of many crimes, almostmurdered his uncle in self-defence for his younger sister, SIBONGILE DHLAMINI, when the uncletried to force himself on the sister.

At his new school of predominately white students, Max then had the opportunity to meet his alterego, ALPHONSO Al DEVONOIUER. Together they started all the shenanigans from mergingtheir small time school gangs, to trafficking weed, to growing their own weed, to trafficking cocaineand crystal meth. Then they graduated to running underground brothels for the politicians and thewealthy. As a result of a life full of murder and deception, Max started to develop some migrainesand erratic sleeping patterns, which interfered with his life. He was then referred to a well-knowntherapist by the name of JOEY KUMALO, but instead of being psychoanalysed, Max started akryptonitic romantic relationship with Joey. Max did not give the relationship time, and all the whilethe lady became conceited and bossy.

So Max left for a two year study stint oversees, where hewas unfortunately shotlived, and interrupted by ghosts from the past in the form of a petition byparents of people he had wronged or murdered during his heydays.After returning from overseas and re-joining Al on the dark side of life, he embarked on a missionto avenge the death of his guardians. AL, with Max, planned a hostile takeover of the company ofthe man who was the financial advisor to his dad, a plan that would see the man commit suicide.After the takeover, all the proceeds went to the receiver because they could not pinpoint wherethey got the capital to avoid jail time.The bad things were now following the guys, with Maxs house being vandalised and then Alsparents house being burned. There was then a drive-by shooting where most of the clan wherearound for some braai session; Joey was hijacked and almost killed; and Als cousins were shotexecution style one Sunday morning. Max and Al started to send some money to the CaymanIslands for a clean escape. Al was ambushed one day and killed, with his body thrown over abridge. When Max heard the news, he booked himself the next flight to Jamaica, where he starteda family, had two kids, and now runs an art dealer shop.

How you contribution will be used

The funds will be utilized to:

  • Pay editors
  • Subscribe to to check all related grammar issues
  • For publishing costs
  • Should I not reach my goal I will add on by taking up credit card

The Impact

The story, although fictitious, captures the many sufferings and destitute life of black people in the Apartheid South Africa , many shenanigans that the youth embarked on to earn a living and the obsession with western life that led some to take their future fortune into their own hands – It reveals some history and the struggle which were real and observed by the author although based on a victicious character.

Risks & Challenges

The only possible risk is that of not being published though very low . I have an interested publisher (Sarah McGregor )but should they renege on the promise since we do not have a signed contract yet, there many solutions in this day and ages of technology , listed below

  • Amazon Kindle publishing
  • On demand print
  • Audible for audit book
  • Authorhouse

The story, although fictitious, captures the many sufferings and destitute life of black people in the Apartheid South Africa , many shenanigans that the youth embarked on to earn a living and the obsession with western life that led some to take their future fortune into their own hands – It reveals some history and the struggle which were real and observed by the author although based on a victicious character.
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setumo raphela

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