I have a simple vision a trucking company that is efficient, profitable and driver friendly. I believe with modern technology and proper fore thought this is doable. The biggest obstacle is people have to know their jobs and do their own job not expecting some one else to do it for them. Drivers drive and dispatchers dispatch. Which is actually the problem because I have yet to see properly trained dispatchers who actually know what a driver has to go through to run a legal load or how many miles they can legally do in a day. My proposal is I have a small trucking company set up. I how ever need help getting the equipment and finding the right people as dispatchers. They would need to be familiar with modern technology and embrace it’s use. Never have been a part of the trucking industry and to love to figure out puzzles. With proper fore thought I know a company can be profitable, legal and driver friendly. To save fuel and keep the drivers comfortable. The trucks will be equipped with Apu’s, bunk heaters, refrigerators and 13 speed transmissions for fuel economy. The trailers will have side skirting and trailer tails to aid fuel efficiency. For improved safety all trucks will be equipped with a proper compliment of mirrors to eliminate as many blind spots as possible. In short ladies and gentleman freight will always need to be moved. Fuel will always need to be bought. Profitability comes from using your available resources of time and fuel the most efficient way possible. Thank you.

With the technology that is available today. Through smart phones and tablets. I feel it is possible to run an efficient and Profitable trucking company. It comes down to having trained dispatchers.
See Campaign: https://www.crowdfunder.com/dreksa-transport-llc/invest
Contact Information:
Andrew Bork

Crowdfunder, Equity, United States, English, Automotive, Computers and Software, Mobile and Social Apps, Trucking, Trucks, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Transportation and Logistics, Language, Wisconsin


Source: icnw

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