Our model enables breweries to sell directly to pubs, cutting out national and regional distributors entirely, with even large breweries seeing us as a valuable new approach to an industry in need of change. In the five months that EeBriaTrade has been live, we’ve become a major cause for concern for incumbent distributors and we’re looking for investment to rapidly grow this opportunity and to cement our position in the industry.
EeBriaTrade has developed from the successful B2C marketplace EeBria.com, which has been trading for two years. Working directly with breweries we discovered huge inefficiencies in the B2B market, and addressing these with EeBriaTrade is now a major focus of the business.
EeBriaTrade takes a revolutionary marketplace approach to the huge B2B beer distribution industry.
See Campaign: https://www.seedrs.com/eebria-eebriatrade
Contact Information:
David Jackson
Seedrs, Equity, English, Beverages Non Alcoholic and Alcohol – Wine/Spirits, United Kingdom, E-Commerce, Retailers, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Retail, Language
Source: icnw