We have two beer brands, Firebrand Brewing Co brewing modern style US inspired craft beer, and Penpont Brewery which was our starting point, formally established back in 2009, brewing more traditional real ale. Since mid 2015 we have been made aware of a huge demand for contract brewed craft beer (brewing for other beer brands or breweries short of capacity) and with minimal marketing this has pushed our production towards our current facility capacity.
Our background in brewing our own craft beer, with a real focus on beer quality and flavour gives us real traction in the contract brewing world, with credibility and a reputation that allows other equally passionate brewers to trust us with their brews and recipes to meet demand. We will continue to promote and expand sales of our own brands meeting demand for high quality Cornish craft beer, both locally and elsewhere in the UK. however our primary focus currently is contract brewing as we feel this is a cost effective market to build profitable sales while meeting a much needed demand.
We have been brewing since 2008, and are well established in the UK craft brewing world with Penpont Brewery achieving a string of awards for our brewing quality with National and Regional SIBA Gold awards. Our restaurant/bar in Launceston was established by us in 2014, as a showcase for our beers and smoked food.
We have two beer brands, Firebrand Brewing Co brewing modern style US inspired craft beer, and Penpont Brewery which was our starting point, formally established back in 2009, brewing more traditional real ale. Since mid 2015 we have been made aware of a huge demand for contract brewed craft beer (brewing for other beer brands or breweries short of capacity) and with minimal marketing this has pushed our production towards our current facility capacity.
See Campaign: https://www.crowdcube.com/firebrand-brewing-co/b64N3l/inspire
Contact Information:
Firebrand Brewing Co
CrowdCube, Equity, Consumer, Seniors, Men, Women, English, United Kingdom, Beverages Non Alcoholic and Alcohol – Wine/Spirits, Men’s Interest, Women’s Interest, Food and Beverage, Lifestyle & Leisure, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: icnw