is a unique online game. The main goal of the game is to develop the player’s skills for stock charts. At the moment the project uses the real exchange rate EUR/USD, although any stock exchange or non-stock exchange indexes, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, own generator or random variable and any others can be used as a generator of random variable. From the point of view of the playing process, a system offers 3 types of the game:
- Single. The game completely imitates stock trading in the chosen form of the chart. Moreover, in the customers’ mode the system fully operates as a simplified trading platform, by placing the trading orders at the liquidity supplier.
- Battle. The game is a pair competition between two players. Both players see all of their actions, as well as actions of the opponent. This information appears on the common playing field. The player’s task is to open and close the orders, to earn more than the opponent in 10 minutes.
- Battle with squibs. Unlike conventional Battle, at the player’s disposal are 5 instruments to influence the current exchange rate. The exchange rate may be changed only within the current Battle. For the other players the exchange rate remains the same.

Concept of the product
The essence of the game is to determine which one of two or more players in the battle is better able to keep or to increase their funds in the same stream of random variable. An exchange rate EUR/USD of real-time mode is adopted in the game as a basis random generator. The game transmits the same exchange rate to several players simultaneously. The one, who best used the existing balance, earned more or lost less than the other, is the winner. So the players do not try to beat the «System», but try to prove whose skills of random flow control under the same conditions are better. Thus, all players are provided the same conditions. The project offers 2 forms of the game. – Game on an uncontrolled flow. This form of the game is the closest to the Forex trading. – Game on a controlled flow. In this form of the game the players have the opportunity to make changes in the random flow. For this purpose they depending on their level receive a set of instruments for managing of the exchange rate. The rate changes on a temporary basis and only for one game.
Detailed description of the process and rules of the game may be found in a separate document «Rules of the Game Forex-Battle» or on the website
The idea of the product
The idea of the product is based on the following assumption: the Forex and Binary options market constantly attract a great number of non-professionals. When faced with a centralised common System, they mostly get a negative experience, which results in a complete loss of made deposits. Nevertheless, they find the trading from the chart itself quite attractive. For most of the players the games based on the random generator, such as casino and binary options are loss-making in long term. Our project for its part equalizes the chances of the players, as they cease to play against the System, but play against each other. The players find such approach to be much fairer, what is approved by numerous reviews collected by us. Players who join our project see and appreciate the difference.

Our competitors
Our product is innovative and has no direct competitors, although indirect competition certainly exists. It occupies its own niche among Forex products, such as Forex and Binary Options, as well as Skill-Based Games, based on the skills of the players competing against each other. Skill-Based Games is a rapidly growing market with 20-30% annual growth and amounting to $ 13 billion by 2011.
Most skill-based games, or skillgames, fall into five categories: 1. Arcade games involve quick fingers and quick thinking. These games are generally sped-up puzzle games. Arcade skillgames include Collapse and mini-golf.
Puzzle games rely on logic abilities and require the user to solve certain types of puzzles. While not as fast-paced as arcade games, these games often come with a time limit. Popular puzzle games include Bejeweled and HexTwist.
Word games are puzzle games using word problems, like rearranging letters to make words. Popular word games include Bookworm and Alphabet Soup.
Trivia games test the user’s knowledge of trivia in specific categories or in general. Popular trivia games include QuizUp and Trivial Pursuit.
Fantasy sport games rely on the participants ability to assemble the best group of players.
Card Games are played with playing cards online and requires good use of probability and other mathematical tactics.
In turn, the volume of Forex market is much higher than the market volume of Skill-Based Games.
According to the Bank for International Settlements, the global result from the 2013 Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and OTC Derivatives Markets Activity show that trading in foreign exchange markets averaged $5.3 trillion per day in April 2013. Foreign exchange swaps were the most actively traded instruments in April 2013, at $2.2 trillion per day, followed by spot trading at $2.0 trillion. According to the Bank for International Settlements, as of April 2010, average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated at $3.98 trillion, a growth of approximately 20% over the $3.21 trillion daily volume as of April 2007. Some firms specializing on foreign exchange market had put the average daily turnover in excess of US$4 trillion. The $3.98 trillion break-down is as follows: $1.490 trillion in spot transactions
$475 billion in outright forwards
$1.765 trillion in foreign exchange swaps
$43 billion currency swaps
$207 billion in options and other products
Thus, by creating a Skill-Based Game based on the popular Forex technologies, we set ourselves the task of creating a new niche in the amount of 20 million dollars each year, mainly due to attraction of Forex audience, since, as noted above, the majority of this audience is not satisfied with the service we currently offer.
Current status of the project
At the moment the project is a fully functional version which is being updated upon development of new items.The main emerging markets: CIS. The product is available in English, Russian, Chinese and Thai languages. For receipt of money the payment gateways are connected: Robokassa, Onpay, Paypal, Okpay, Braintree, Fortumo, Wiseline, that allow taking cash using almost all possible kinds of electronic currencies, direct transfers and credit cards. Withdrawals are currently made through: Paypal, Webmoney, Money, Yandex. In addition to a basic web version of the product, there is also an application for Facebook, Vkontakte, Webstore, as well as Android. Applications for Odnoklassniki, RenRen, Wechat are currently under development. initially involves in the game a virtual currency, but there is a parallel project running on the same kernel, called Unlike it allows both a virtual, as well as real currency. In addition, it has mirror domains:,,, These domains are intended for local versions.

It is planned to enter the markets of China, Southeast Asia and Europe, as currently the CIS market is more a test platform for running of technologies. Currently we are already underway to enter the Chinese market. The team for product promotion in Mainland China is being formed.

Business model of the project
Playing for the virtual currency:
- Single game – the income from the sale of virtual currency. Virtual currency is used for a recharge of the game account.
- Battles – income from the sale of virtual currency. Virtual currency is used for replenishment of the game account.
- Battle with special features. – the income from the sale of virtual currency. Virtual currency is used to recharge the game account and special features purchase.
Playing for the real money:
- Single game – the income is 3-20% commissions from each trade transaction.
- Battles – the income is 10-20% commissions from each battle. There is no commission for trade transaction inside the battle.
- Battle with special features – the income is 10-20% commissions from each Battle. Revenues from the sale of virtual currency are used for purchases of special abilities.

Product development
- Cross-platform. System Forex-Battle is a web-based project, meaning a certain cross-platform ability. System is operating via browsers Chrome, FireFox, IE9+, Safari. This means that Forex-Battle can run on any operating system, but for a deeper customer penetration we create customised applications for social networks. Now the application operates already on Facebook and Vkontakte. Besides, such as FireFox Market,, Amazon,, Odnoklassniki, RenRen, WeChat etc. are under development. On mobile platforms, Forex-Battle is presented on Android on PlayMarket, ChromOS on WebStore. Application for FireFoxOS is under development. However, the key development focus currently is on iOS.
- New principle of the game. In the nearest future it is planned to sell the game tables similar as PokerStars. The battles will be increased up to 4 players, where the winner will take the stakes of all 4 players. It is planned to create game rooms, where the tables will be placed. The games on the tables may be followed and can be joined.
Market promotions
- European countries. Localisation and targeted promotion of Forex-Battle is planned: on Spanish, German, Portugal and French.
- Southeast Asia. Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia. A test launch was once carried out in Philippines and received a sufficiently positive feedback from the players.
- India
- China. The most difficult, but perspective market. It requires development of a separate infrastructure in the Mainland China, since there are some difficulties due to Great Firewall of China.
Project expenses
As the product is fully operational and does not require large investment in development, the main expenditure should be diverted for marketing. In the first year, it is planned to spend on marketing more than 80% of the attracted resources, around 10% on technical support and the same amount on the maintenance of the company.
According to the plan, the marketing expenses will be invested in the following marketing activities:
Blogs/Forums (10% of the marketing budget) Publications in blogs and forums are in themselves useful for traffic generation and consequently for registration, likewise serves as an auxiliary tool for SEO promotion.
SEO/PPC (5% of the marketing budget) The funds will be mainly spent on creating of the SEO structure. PPC will only be used as a positive factor for SEO promotion.
Teasers networks (10% of the marketing budget) Attracting of teasers traffic showed itself at its best, when testing the project in the CIS. Freely moving news traffic falls on specialised news resources, which are designed to encourage registration and an active game on
PR (35% of the marketing budget) Since the product is new and is not present on the market, this direction of promotion is quite promising. It is planned to conduct a series of advertising campaigns in the news editions that focus on the latest internet technology and online games.
Partners programs (25% of the marketing budget) We already are working with such major partner sites as Propeller Ads and Kadam Group, but it is planned to extend this list. Own partnership program has not justified itself, so we are planning to keep working with third-party partner sites.
Social Networks (15% of the marketing budget). Promotion in appropriate groups, managing of own groups, carrying out of campaigns and prize winning.
Funds allocated for the project development will be distributed as follows:
Development and maintenance of infrastructure (20% of the promotional budget)
Product support (30% of the promotional budget)
Multilingual support staff (50% of the promotional budget)
Funds for the maintenance of the company will be allocated as follows:
Office premises (5% of the budget for maintenance of the company)
Accounting (5% of the budget for maintenance of the company)
Legal support (10% of the budget for maintenance of the company)
Staff remuneration (60% of the budget for maintenance of the company)
Other expenses (20% of the budget for maintenance of the company)
Over subsequent years, the expenditure plan will have slightly different proportions, but in any case the marketing activities and infrastructure development costs will remain the main expenditure items.

Why should you join us?
Can we make our project profitable?
This question can be answered by a testing period of the project in the CIS (Russia, Ukraine and others ex-USSR countries). In spite of very limited marketing budget, today we can say with confidence that: The project is rapidly gaining its customer base, meaning that every day new users join the game and become our regular players. In our case, the regular players are deemed to be users who return to the game no less than once a month. However, it is safe to say that most of the players come back once a week, and many even daily.

Is there an opportunity for an explosive growth?
The project was launched in India and Philippines as testing platforms, although with more limited functionality. The results shown by these launches do not much differ from the tests in CIS countries.
What are the benefits of investing in our company?
- Participation in profits which over the next 5 years are planned to bring the investor 436% return on the investment made;
- Participation in decision-making at general meetings of the shareholders of the company;
- An opportunity to act as an advisor in the operational matters, first regarding the issues of product localisation and adapting for new markets;
- Right to actively participate in other activities in order to ensure growth and prosperity of our common product. is a unique online game. The main goal of the game is to develop the player’s skills for stock charts. At the moment the project uses the real exchange rate EUR/USD, although any stock exchange or non-stock exchange indexes, such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, own generator or random variable and any others can be used as a generator of random variable.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Grigorijs Cepcovs
FundedByMe, Equity, English, Internet, European Union, Computers and Software, Networking, Estonia, Software, Video games, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: icnw