Optimising Health & Wellbeing Programmes with Relevant Data

Nudjed is the only company in the world to specialise in the collection and analysis of ‘Health Intention Data’, helping tailor approaches to behavioural change. Nudjed has a working product and has sold annual contracts to several large organisations (NHS x 3, Public Health Wales, GoCompare, Bridgend Council). We plan to continue development of behavioural change tools and expand our revenues in public and workforce health, whilst exploring opportunities in health insurance. 


    Nudjed has built a survey and analysis platform to gather and report on Health Intention Data. Health Intention attempts to quantify the area of health that a user has the strongest intention of addressing. This helps to tailor approaches to behavioural change programmes. Currently Nudjed sells the platform via Software as a Service, to large corporate and public health organisations (NHS, GoCompare, GE Health, S4C). In the next 12 months we plan to further develop the data we collect, improve user engagement with our tools and begin development of predictive analytics.


    Behaviour change is tough. Nudjed helps organisations to develop more effective health and wellbeing behavioural change programmes with relevant data. Saving time and costs. Absence, presenteeism and staff turnover cost the average company £3,000 p/employee p/year. As a fraction of this cost Nudjed helps complement occupational health in improving employee wellbeing. Public Health bodies are challenged with moving from reactive, to preventative models. Nudjed helps enable this transition by providing scalable insights into campaign effectiveness and targeting at fraction of the costs of traditional research.


    Nudjed sells annual contracts that are built from a set-up fee and per/user licence. We also offer a consultancy service if customers require further support with deployment, interpretation or implementation of their health and wellbeing strategy. In the future, this role will be held by our value added resellers. The typical cost for a 500 person company would be £12,000 in year 1 and £9,000 for each additional year (approximately £1.50 p/user p/month). For this scale of sale, we would target a potential ROI of >£100k through a 10% reduction in health related costs.


    It’s likely that Nudjed will pursue an A-round prior to exit, as we anticipate the potential for growth into international markets that will require additional resource above cashflow.

    However we would initially target an exit for £20m+ within 5 years to a larger health business in the insurance or services sector, looking to add technology and data to their portfolio.

Nudjed is the only company in the world to specialise in the collection and analysis of ‘Health Intention Data’, helping tailor approaches to behavioural change. We plan to continue development of behavioural change tools and expand our revenues in public and workforce health, whilst exploring opportunities in health insurance.
See Campaign: http://www.angelsden.com/project-view/Nudjed/
Contact Information:

AngelsDen, Equity, United Kingdom, Hardware, English, Internet, Computers and Software, Medical Devices, Networking, Software, Medical & Healthcare, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: icnw

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