Who we are
Nurture Project International is a US-based, non-profit organization that works to protect safe infant feeding among families impacted by crisis and disaster. We organize and train volunteers to provide technical infant feeding support to mothers and babies fleeing war, oppression and persecution. We provide ongoing peer support from trained volunteers to mothers while they are in transit. We empower mothers and give them training that allows them set up peer to peer support groups in large, established refugee camps as well as temporary refugee situations.
What we do
Nurture Project International has a project base in Greece where qualified, skilled volunteers support mothers by building mother and baby tents where mothers can rest, eat, warm-up, and feed their babies ina safe, welcoming, and peaceful environment. NPI also distributes backpacks with basic necessities like snacks, water, warm clothing, hygiene kits, toys, and diapers to bring comfort to families who have left everything behind. We work closely with representatives from Save the Children, Unicef, La Leche League International, and many grassroots volunteer organizations.NPI will provide support to thousands of mothers and babies and will distribute over 5,000 backpacks to refugee families in Greece in 2016.
Our Objectives
- Provide long term, qualified, and trained lactation educatorsfor breastfeeding mothers and we provide education and suppliesfor safe bottlefeeding for mothers who are using artifical milk.
- Create baby tents where mothers can come eat, rest, drink, and relax while they feed their babies.
- Distribute backpacks with essential supplies
- Support NGOs providing assistance by offering training and information to volunteers.
- Empowerrefugee mothers by providing training in peer to peer infant feeding support.
Why It Is Important
Currently tens of thousands of pregnant women and millions of children are leaving their homes to seek refuge from war and disaster. When the refugees land in Greece they have nothing.Refugee childrenalso face unimaginable health consequences from malnutrition, unsanitary conditions, and poverty.During emergency situationsdisease and death rates among under-five children are generally higher than for any other age group, with the highest risk for infants.
Often these women and children have already experienced incredible trauma – forced to flee ongoing conflict and devastation in their homeland, in many cases losing their homes, and their family.This stress,aggravated by changes in the usual environment and resources persons that traditionally support the family, as well as the necessity to find solutions for surviving; can make safe infant feeding difficult.
As there is a common misconception that many mothers can no longer breastfeed adequately due to the stress orinadequate nutritionand a desire to help from well meaning peoplemay result in the inappropriate donations of infant formula and other milk products. Thisleads to an increased risk in infant deathdue to the loss of benefits from breastfeeding and the increased exposure to harmful bacteria present in artifical milk.
However, this riskcan be prevented. Mothers and infants that remain together, whoare given immediate technical support , and who are given comprehensivefollow-onsupportwillcontinue breastfeeding longer andwill know how to minimise therisks ofartifical feeding. In emergenciesdeterioration of infants health and nutrition status can be rapid, and Nurture Project International is dedicated to providing trained support as soon as disaster strikes.
Preventing malnutrition and mortality among infants and young children begins with promoting safe feeding support in aloving and supportive environment. Breastfeeding and safe artificalfeeding supportprotectsaninfant’snutritional status,preventsmalnutrition, and saveslives.
By providing technicalinfant feeding support Nurture Project International is able to help empower and protect the health within thisvulnerable population.
We can’t do it alone. We need your help.
Your donationwill go toward buying the items and equipment that we need to build our mother and baby tents. You can see all the supplies needed for each tent here. Your donationwill also go toward the supplies that we have in our backpacks. This includes:hygiene kits, shampoo, blankets, toothbrushes, tooth paste, socks, underwear, sanitary items, medicines, baby carriers, diapers, and medical equipment for example.
Become a sponsor
Every little bit that is donated will go a long way.
$15will provide a familymeals for a day and will provide a backpack for amother and her baby
$25 will buy essential equipment for our tents like soap, tissues, blankets, and water.
$50 will provide theefamilies with meals and backpacks.
$100 will provide 10blankets, 7 comfortable chairs,and pillowsfor the tent.
$150 will provide 10 families with meals for a day and 10 mothers and babies with backpacks filled with necessary items.
$200 will fully stock thechanging station in our tent withbaby toys, blankets, changing mats, diapers, wipes, ointments, andlotions.
Corporate Sponsorship
$1,500 will fully stock a mother and baby tent with basic essentials for onemonth.
Become a corporate sponsor andwe will provide a feature post on our Facebook page and website highlighting your sponsorship and the generosity of your organization.We will also provide a customized media release about your generosity that can publish it in your newsletter and or website.
Please contact fundraising@nurtureprojectinternational if you have any questions regarding donations or would like to join our growing list of corporate sponsors.
In addition to donations we are calling for volunteers. We need midwives, lactation educators, IBCLCs, doulas, massage therapists, support personel, and kind souls who feel they can offer their services to the most vulnerable refugees.
Spread The Word
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Thank You for all of your support. You are making a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable refugees.
Nurture Project International 2016
501(c)(3) status in application
Nurture Project International is a US-based, non-profit organization that works to protect safe infant feeding among families impacted by crisis and disaster. We organize and train volunteers to provide technical infant feeding support to mothers and babies fleeing war, oppression and persecution.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Nurture Project International
Crowdrise, English, News Category, Crowdfunding, United States, Reward-Donation, Civil Society, Europe, Global Regions, Language
Source: icnw