Why OptiScoop?
Up until now, using powders has not been the best experience…
What is OptiScoop?
OptiScoop is the world’s most effective ScoopFunnel, and is the best way to scoop powder for drinks.
OptiScoop is unique because it acts like a syringe for powders and fits into disposable water bottles and shakers. It makes carrying funnels unnecessary and eliminates the spilling of expensive powders. It is the only scoop that works effectively in a stand-up pouch and can deliver powder dosages from ½ a teaspoon to 120 grams of powder.
OptiScoop is a great gift, whoever you give it to will get a lot of use out of it.
In fact, we have found that people are using OptiScoop in other ways, Mum’s using it for baby powders, people using it in their kitchen to reduce powder spilling and even to get powder into front loader washing machines!
It’s a useful tool and a thoughtful gift, it is has many applications – how will you use your OptiScoop?
OptiScoop is the world’s most effective ScoopFunnel, and is the best way to scoop powder for drinks.
OptiScoop is unique because it acts like a syringe for powders and fits into disposable water bottles and shakers.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/0pVfb3VZbSY, https://youtu.be/oZYqWXFQcGo
See Campaign: http://prefundia.com/projects/view/optiscoop-is-the-world%E2%80%99s-most-effective-scoopfunnel-and-is-the-best-way-to-scoop/7822/
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Source: icnw