Replica – Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask

Fibreglass Mask Replica based on The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask This item is one foot x a foot and 2 inches and 2 inches deep.

Fibreglass Mask Replica based on The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask This item is one foot x a foot and 2 inches and 2 inches deep.

About this project

We are a Family based Prop making business, and specialize in Video Game, Movie and Cosplay based designs. We provide high quality Custom 3D printed designs and hand crafted / airbrushed finished projects.

 We own and operate a small home based, 3D design / printing facility in order to ensure high quality pieces and reduce project turnover times.

Each mask will be shipped fully painted and assembled Or unpainted depending on the package chosen.

The Mask is approximately 14 inches wide and 13 inches high, with a depth of 3 1/2 inches (Including the horns).

Mold/Part Making Process:

On the right we have the mold (One of 2 We have produced, the other on the left is a part that came out of the mold. Both have been Primed.

We need to raise funds to cover supply costs, such as resin, fiberglass mat, paint etc… order to make the masks. The picture that you see here is the mask in it’s first stage just after we fibreglassed it and primed.

Metallic paint was applied here. Onward to the next stage of detailed work.

We are still in the process of painting. With your help we can make one for all our backers.

And this is the picture of the final finished product.

A new Reward are the Mini Masks They are fully 3d printed and hand painted

Mini Masks
Mini Masks

Risks and challenges

Production delays would by minimal do to the fact that we already have a clear vision of what it takes to produce a top quality product, and the necessary molds are already in place ready to use. We currently only have a few small projects at the moment. When this project is fully backed our top priority will be given to production of the masks.
Please note that although I have worked with prints before, delays are possible and always dependent on supplies. And as much I’d like to paint Majora’s Masks all day long

We are a Family based Prop making business, and specialize in Video Game, Movie and Cosplay based designs. We provide high quality Custom 3D printed designs and hand crafted / airbrushed finished projects.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Richard Lavallee

Kickstarter, Women, Consumer, Men, Reward, English, Canada, Computers and Software, North America, Industry verticals, Professional Services, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: icnw

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