The Rounton Coffee Team
The Rounton Coffee Team

 We’re Rounton Coffee, a small independent coffee roastery that is focused on roasting the best, most sustainable and seasonal coffee

The idea of Rounton Coffee began when our owner and founder David Beattie was travelling in Sumatra.  After spending time with the country’s inspirational coffee farmers David became determined to create a sustainable route to the UK market

The idea of creating a market for this coffee by roasting only quality sustainable coffees was the simplest way of directly rewarding the farmers as best as we could.  By paying sustainable prices, the farmers are directly rewarded, and our customers are in turn rewarded with a fantastic and flavoursome cup!

Our journey so far has been fantastic and we are lucky to have started this venture at a time when the speciality coffee scene was just beginning to take off.

However, our work is not yet complete.

Our aim is very simple, we would like to create a great space in our hometown of Middlesbrough.  A place where you can sit, relax and have a fantastic coffee, in a warm and welcoming place.  

A haven in the heart of MIddlesbrough.  A speciality coffee shop that will showcase some of the most seasonal coffees available in the UK.

We are a small business that doesn’t have deep pockets, so we need the support of others to give us that helping hand as we embark on this next chapter.  

The money that we manage to raise will be spent on furnishings and equipment.  Take a look to see what costs are involved and where the money will be used exactly.  

Electrical works (£2,200), Plumbing (£400), Plastering (£400) Joinery and upholstery (£4,000) Espresso machine (£7,000), Grinders (£2,000) water boilers (£1,000) a dishwasher (£1,300), plus the fridges (£800), Lighting (£1,000), signage (£1,000), and all the ancillary items too many to list!!  Kickstarter will also take around about 5% of anything that we raise.  

Our total budget for the coffee shop is much more than the £10,000 that we are trying to raise as we wanted to set a realistic target.  If we can surpass the £10,000 target then that would be fantastic and would help us enormously.  

All of your contributions will help us turn the space into a top class coffee shop and allow us to do what we do best – make incredible tasting coffee!

With the help of Kickstarter, we would like to sell, in advance, some of our goodies that will be available when we open up. Check out all the rewards on the right and below are some images of what you can bag yourself today.

Enamel Mug
Enamel Mug
Tote Bag
Tote Bag
Gift Pack
Gift Pack

Thanks so much for reading our Kickstarter.  Please support us by pledging, and if you can’t afford to do that, then please just post a link on Facebook, send a Tweet, or call your local radio station and shout loudly about us.

The idea of Rounton Coffee began when our owner and founder David Beattie was travelling in Sumatra. After spending time with the country’s inspirational coffee farmers David became determined to create a sustainable route to the UK market
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
David Beattie

Kickstarter, Reward, Bars and Clubs, English, United Kingdom, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: icnw

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