*** 20th January – Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu has funded, with 12 days to go!
*** 19th January – Pledge your support to our THUNDERCLAP campaign and help tell the world about Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu! ***
*** 16th January – STRETCH GOAL #1 ADDED! ***
If we reach our funding target of £5,900, we are then going to be seeking to raise enough money to have the anthology illustrated by top artists, including Neil Roberts, Russ Nicholson, Tiernen Trevallion and Malcolm Barter.
*** 14th January – NEW ADD-ON REWARDS ADDED! ***
PUCK caricatures by Nicole Wykes and MIRANDA portraits by Kate Burmak.
Imagine if it had been William Shakespeare, England’s greatest playwright, who had discovered the truth about the Great Old Ones and the cosmic entity we know as Cthulhu, rather than the American author H P Lovecraft.
Imagine if Stratford’s favourite son had been the one to learn of the dangers of seeking after forbidden knowledge and of the war waged between the Elder Gods in the Outer Darkness, and had passed on that message, to those with the eyes to see it, through his plays and poetry.
Welcome to the world of Shakespearean Cthulhu!
Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu is an anthology of short stories featuring tales that are a mash-up of the Cthulhu Mythos and Shakespeare’s most popular plays – as well as the world in which he lived – written by some of the top genre authors in the business.
Imagine a version of The Tempest in which the sorcerer Prospero’s power comes from reading the Necronomicon, his magical isle is a spur of R’lyeh, and in which Caliban is actually a Deep One. Imagine King Lear where Lear’s madness is the result of the influence of extra-dimensional alien god-beings. Imagine Antony and Cleopatra in which the lovers make a pact with Cthulhoid monsters to turn the tide of battle during the final war of the Roman Republic.
This is what Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu is all about!
To mark the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, on 23rd April 2016, I am running this Kickstarter to fund production of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu, which will also feature a number of squamous and tenebrous illustrations.
The book will be professionally typeset, laid out, and published by Snowbooks, who also published YOU ARE THE HERO and Alice’s Nightmare in Wonderland (my previous successfully funded Kickstarter projects), as well as the critically-acclaimed SHARKPUNK andGAME OVER, the first two anthologies I compiled and edited.
Kickstarter projects work so long as people get to hear about them, so the more people who back Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu and help to spread the word, the more likely the project is to succeed and the more impressive the final outcome will be.
Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu features a host of genre talent, including James Lovegrove, Adrian Tchaikovsky, John Reppion, Andrew Lane, Graham McNeill, Ian Edginton, C L Werner,Josh Reynolds, Michael Carroll, Pat Kelleher, Jonathan Oliver, Adrian Chamberlin andGuy Haley.
Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu will feature over a dozen brand new Cthulhu Mythos/Shakespeare-inspired tales, and a number of the stories have already been completed!
Once the Kickstarter achieves funding we will start raising money to pay for the book to be illustrated. We have six awesome illustrators on board who are keen to produce their own take on the concept of Shakespearean Cthulhu, including Fighting Fantasy art legends Russ Nicholson, Malcolm Barter and Tony Hough, 2000AD artists Tiernen Trevallion and Kev Crossley, and Black Library’s Horus Heresy celebrated cover artist Neil Roberts.
£5,900 is our initial target and, once Kickstarter fees have been deducted, the money will be used to produce the books themselves, the other rewards, and to pay the contributors!
Our first stretch goal will be to raise money to pay three artists to produce unique illustrations forShakespeare Vs Cthulhu.
Our second stretch goal will be to raise money to pay another three artists to produce brand new illustrations for Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu.
The third stretch goal will be to raise money to pay for cover art for Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu. Also, as each of these stretch goals is achieved, new add-on reward options will be released.
Everyone who backs the Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu Kickstarter will have their name appear in the Acknowledgements in the back of all editions of the book.
The different pledge levels feature all sorts of exclusive from eBooks, to signed hardbacks, to a leather-bound edition made to look like an amalgam of Shakespeare’s First Folio and the Necronomicon!
Also, post and packing within the UK is included in the price of each pledge.
“I have had a most rare vision. I have had a dream; past the wit of man to say what dream it was.” ~ Bottom, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
If you back at the BOTTOM level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
“My masters, are you mad?” ~ Malvolio, Twelfth Night.
If you back at the MALVOLIO level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
“Now is the winter of our discontent , Made glorious summer by this sun of York; And all the clouds that lour’d upon our house, In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.” ~ Richard III, Richard III.
If you back at the RICHARD III level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
“It is a tale, Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” ~ Macbeth, Macbeth.
If you back at the MACBETH level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 1 x paperback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.” ~ Juliet, Romeo and Juliet.
If you back at the ROMEO & JULIET level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 2 x paperback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
“To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come…” ~ Hamlet, Hamlet.
If you back at the HAMLET level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 1 x hardback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- signed by the contributors
“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead!” ~ King Henry, Henry V
If you back at the HENRY V level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 1 x paperback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x hardback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- signed by the contributors
“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” ~ Antony, Julius Caesar.
If you back at the JULIUS CAESAR level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 2 x hardback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- signed by the contributors
“By heaven, thou echo’st me, As if there were some monster in thy thought, Too hideous to be shown.” ~ Othello, Othello.
If you back at the OTHELLO level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 1 x paperback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 2 x hardback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- signed by the contributors
“This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine.” ~ Prospero, The Tempest.
If you back at the PROSPERO level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 1 x deluxe, leather-bound, limited edition, Necronomicon/First Folio collector’s hardback ofShakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- signed by the contributors
“That way madness lies.” ~ King Lear, King Lear.
If you back at the KING LEAR level you will receive:
- our grateful thanks
- your name in the Acknowledgements of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x set of exclusive Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu digital wallpapers
- 1 x eBook edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x bonus short story digital download
- 1 x paperback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x hardback edition of Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- 1 x deluxe, leather-bound, limited edition, Necronomicon/First Folio collector’s hardback ofShakespeare Vs Cthulhu
- signed by the contributors
You can add to your pledge by adding any of the following add-ons to any level of pledge. More of these will be revealed as the Kickstarter runs its course.
Shakespeare Vs Cthulhu is an anthology of short stories featuring tales that are a mash-up of the Cthulhu Mythos and Shakespeare’s most popular plays – as well as the world in which he lived – written by some of the top genre authors in the business.
See Campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1412864360/shakespeare-vs-cthulhu?ref=popular
Contact Information:
Jonathan Green
Kickstarter, Reward, Books & Publishing, United Kingdom, English, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: icnw