Squire Financial Inc. (SFI) specializes in real estate loans secured by real property. Revenues are generated through interest earned and associated lender fees. Typical deals include 1st& 2nd residential mortgages and Rent To Own properties.

  • Not subject to restrictive OSFI lending rules – SFI is not subject to Guideline B-20 which outlines fundamental principles that federally regulated lenders must follow. They include that loan decisions cannot be based on the underlying collateral value but rather a client’s ability to service the loan. Also that all high ratio loans (>80% LTV) must be insured. By not being bound by the same regulatory burden placed on federally regulated lenders, SFI is able to offer “non-prime” borrowers loans otherwise unavailable to them.
  • Expansive network of brokers, bankers, accountants, lawyers, real estate agents, builders SFI employees a channel strategy which provides us with tremendous access to deal flow across Ontario.
  • Exclusive origination arrangement with Concierge Mortgage Group and Green Lend Financial – Concierge won best new brokerage in Canada at the annual CMP Awards in 2013.
  • Squire Management Inc. is a licensed mortgage administrator – As an administrator the potential clients SFI can serve include all other lenders including federally regulated lenders. SFI can originate, underwrite, and administer mortgages on behalf of other Lenders, Funds, Syndicates; etc.

Squire Financial Inc. (SFI) specializes in real estate loans secured by real property. Revenues are generated through interest earned and associated lender fees. Typical deals include 1st& 2nd residential mortgages and Rent To Own properties.

Youtube: https://youtu.be/EySIQUY-8WY
See Campaign: http://www.theocmx.com/project/squire-financial-inc/
Contact Information:
Chris Waters
Dave Chornaby

The OCMX, Equity, English, Canada, North America, Ontario, Financial Services, Industry verticals, Real Estate & Construction, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language


Source: icnw

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