Please join our community in helping The Club for Teens. The Club is a nonprofit organization that will provide a safe haven to protect teens from the increasing drug problems and negative influences they face. It will offer peer-based mentoring programs for middle and high school youth in southern Indiana. The Club will support Youth Development through partnerships with service providers, community schools, youth organizations, local churches, juvenile court system, parents and young people themselves. The Club’s goal is to provide a Positive Peer Place for youth that fosters a friendly, fun, safe and encouraging environment that actively engages inspirational teen-to-teen interaction through positive peer group programs. The Club’s inclusive positive peer programs will promote personal development through spiritual growth, encourage social and educational advancement, and offer optimistic opportunities that inspire self-worth. The Club will strive to help teens acquire the attitudes, competencies, values, and social skills that will carry them forward to a healthy lifestyle and successful adulthood. Through constructive adult connections and positive peer influences that serve as motivational mentors, The Club will cultivate a commitment to teens that support strong interpersonal skills, pro-social relationships, and caring citizenship in order to inspire hope, instill pride and empower teens to accomplish their goals.
Please join our community in helping The Club for Teens. The Club is a nonprofit organization that will provide a safe haven to protect teens from the increasing drug problems and negative influences they face. It will offer peer-based mentoring programs for middle and high school youth in southern Indiana.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Jeffery Jenkins
YouCaring, United States, Donation, Philanthropy, Fundraising, English, Education & Training, Non Profits, Indiana, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: icnw