Well, first of all, check out our cute, fresh and still in-process-of-being-totally-builtwebsite. INNIT CUTE? BUT…cuteness aside, we bet you have questions… check out these FAQs below!

WHAT IS IT? As a vegetarian, Shindig Events owner and lead event producer Kelli Bielema found that while there are a number of carnivore-friendly food events like Burning Beast andOutstanding in the Field, there was no festival on that level for those who lead a plant-based life. So, why not produce one? With Meatless Mondays and vegan living the norm in the Pacific Northwest, it’s becoming more than a trend, it’s an active and inspirational lifestyle that lends itself to sustainable practices and all-around “good feels.”
WHEN IS IT? Thursday, April 21st from 6PM – 9PM at Metropolist in SoDo. ***NOTE – this event is 21 & over.
WHERE IS MY MONEY GOING? Did you know that these are some of the costs in throwing an event? NO JOKE!
- Venue Rental – Typically $2000 +
- Equipment Rentals – Around $4000
- Tent Rental – Around $900
- Permits & Insurance – $500
- Staffing – Approximately $2000
- Marketing Materials & Advertising – $2000
- Entertainment, Photography, Music – $5000+

WHAT’S GOING DOWN? EATING! Seriously! This event sets itself apart by not taking itself too seriously through being unique, delicious and plenty cheeky. We’ll have some tunes jamming, chef demonstrations, food samples, cooking competitions and varied entertainment.
WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE? Anyone who eats! SRSLY! This event will be focused on food and fun and exploring the vast options in eating a plant-based lifestyle.
WHO WILL BE THERE? People who eat. Seriously. We have top local chefs including superstar vegan entrepreneurs like MacKenzie DeVito of No Bones About It, who, PS, is opening the WORLD’S FIRST vegan tiki bar in January. Other rad folks are currently in the process of signing their deals for this event, but trust us, THEY ARE SO GOOD.

HOW MUCH WILL TICKETS COST? Great question! Check out the Rewards section on how you can secure your tickets NOW at a big fat savings!

SWAG BAGS, WHAAAAA???? Yep. We will be soliciting vendors and sponsors for this event than will help defray some additional costs as well as provide some dope giveaways!
I DON’T LIVE IN SEATTLE. CAN I GO? Get your plane ticket, yo! But for real, we hope that some day we can have this event come to your town. Support our campaign now so you can keep on our list to be in the know!
I’M NOT VEGAN. CAN I GO? Please do! Plant-based eating has come a LONG way and isn’t rabbit food anymore. We anticipate having hot dawwwwgs, fancy cheezes and other amazing discoveries that will have you thinking it’s the real deal.
I FUNDED THE CAMPAIGN BUT NOW I CAN’T GO. HELP??? We are happy to transfer your ticket over. Just contact us directly through Kickstarter & we will take it from there.
WHAT THE HECK ELSE? As previously stated, this is an event that is coming out of my own wallet. If you have ever been to an event that I produce (first of all, YOU ARE SO STINKING LUCKY!), you full well know that our parties kick ass. Being a part of this funding campaign means that you are helping me bring something I’m personally passionate about to life…and it’s not about being a militant vegan/vegetarian/generally annoying person, it’s about celebrating something I love & want to share with the world…starting with Seattle.

As a vegetarian, Shindig Events owner and lead event producer Kelli Bielema found that while there are a number of carnivore-friendly food events like Burning Beast and Outstanding in the Field, there was no festival on that level for those who lead a plant-based life. So, why not produce one? With Meatless Mondays and vegan living the norm in the Pacific Northwest, it’s becoming more than a trend, it’s an active and inspirational lifestyle that lends itself to sustainable practices and all-around “good feels.”
See Campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1434594444/veg-out-seattle-a-vegan-food-event-for-people-who
Contact Information:
Kelli Bielema
Kickstarter, United States, Reward, English, Food, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language, Washington
Source: icnw