W.O.G. Technologies, is an engineering company in the field of water and waste water Treatment Plants & System, offers solution for industrial waste water , desalination , recycle re use application apart from municipal applications .
WOG Technologies offers unique and sustained solutions for its customers for their specific needs through a vast range of services and innovative solutions. It handles every step in water cycle for public authorities including withdrawing water, produce and convey the drinking water. It also provides the services of conveying waste water, its treatment, recycle, distribute to the industries and environment. This performance allows us to make an important contribution to the environmental protection and enhancing quality of life With decades of application experience in the field, WOG Technologies is the right choice for your water, waste water treatment and waste-to-energy needs. As providers of a collection of the world’s leading treatment technologies, including: Anaerobic treatment system
Fine Bubble diffuser aeration, jet aeration systems
Most advanced membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology
Most advanced anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) technology
Physio-Chemical Treatment Systems
Free and Emulsified Oil treatment Systems
High End Tertiary treatment Systems
Ultra filtration technologies
Reverse Osmosis Technology
Waste to Energy- Generating Electricity, ethanol, methanol and other alcohols.
W.O.G. Technologies, is an engineering company in the field of water and waste water Treatment Plants & System, offers solution for industrial waste water , desalination , recycle re use application apart from municipal applications .
See Campaign: https://www.equitynet.com/c/wog-technologies-inc?s=p
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EquityNet, Equity, United States, Alternative Energy, English, Natural Resource Management, Equipment, Waste Management, Utilities, Energy and Utilities, Environment, Florida, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: icnw