My hometown of Stanmore Gwanda has no clean drinking water available. They used to get water from a nearby river, but there has been no rain, the river is low, and it has become contaminated. For four years the village people have been walking 8 miles one way every day to the nearest river in order to bring a clean bucket of water home. The round trip takes all day in extreme heat. Many people have died of diarrhea from drinking contaminated water, including many children.
I have been trying to raise money to dig a community well for several years. The pumps and equipment are already purchased and digging has begun, but I need to raise money to complete the digging and get the pumps set up and operational. I have just returned from Zimbabwe and have met with the company that will complete the well. I only need $5,000 to finish the project.
Your donation will supply a lifetime of fresh, clean drinking water to about 2000 people in my home village. It will help children stay alive, well, and in school. It will relieve much suffering. The children in the picture are my neighbor’s children. Please help them with life sustaining, clean water.
Your donation will supply a lifetime of fresh, clean drinking water to about 2000 people in my home village. It will help children stay alive, well, and in school. It will relieve much suffering. The children in the picture are my neighbor’s children. Please help them with life sustaining, clean water.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Lynette Dupuis
YouCaring, Philanthropy, Fundraising, Donation, Eastern Africa, English, Natural Resource Management, Health and Nutrition, Environment, Africa, Lifestyle & Leisure, Medical & Healthcare, Industry verticals, Zimbabwe, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language
Source: icnw