(The history and culture of the Midwest has heavily been influenced by Native Americans, yet, their stories often go untold. Sites like Double Ditch Indian Village have the ability to connect the present with the past.)
For the last couple of years, I worked as the editor for a local weekly paper. While the paper had a relatively small reach, it eventually was able to expand quite considerably. Much of the success was due to a passion I have for history, and those events that will one day be seen as history.
Recently, I was forced to separate from that position, one that I truly loved doing, as I was not alright with changes that were going to be made. The outcome of the changes, I feared, would reduce the paper to just another run of the mill print publication. For me, that wasn’t enough.
Instead, I made the decision to begin my own news publication, which will focus on history, culture, and the blossoming art scene. This publication will provide more focus on the area’s community, instead of rehashing the same old news, which is found on one site after the other. (Often, portions of the history of the Midwest remain unknown, and hard to find. Stories are forgotten, and sometimes, places like this abandon cemetery go unnoticed. This publication is set to help shed light on that history, before it is gone for good.)
The initial focus of this endeavor will be on the Bismarck-Mandan area of North Dakota, as well as the surrounding counties. The goal is to eventually expand the focus even further, by incorporating the Midwest United States as a whole. However, while the focus to begin with is more limited, the historical articles that are planned will cover the Midwest as a whole.
Learning from my time working as an editor for a newspaper, I am also looking at creating something that is more than just a print publication, but serves the community much better. Currently, a new website is being developed, which will host photo galleries, videos, voice interviews, as well as podcasts.
Pamphlets, and possibly full lengths books are also planned, and the possibility of short documentaries are being considered. As the publication grows, I will be exploring additional ways to serve the community better. (The Midwest has a long history of settlers staking claims to the land, and trying to rough it out. Many reminders of those times remain, but structures such as this abandon homestead only give a paritial picture. Those are stories that I’m looking at to flush out.)
The funds raised through this campaign will go towards bringing this publication into reality.
Other sources of funding for this goal is being sought through partnerships, as well as the selling of ads; however, while such a revenue stream will be important in the future, I don’t want this publication to be dominated with ads, as others have suffered.
The initial funds will go towards the basic necessities of such a publication. This includes the programs needed to create and design the print publication, as well as the programs to create/edit digital content, including videos, photos, and podcasts. A portion of the funds will also be used in helping to create an online presence, through the creation of a website(The Midwest is full of hidden beauty, that often goes unexplored as people forget about it. It is often that beauty that made travelers and explorers stop and comment on the sights they saw.)
Portions of the initial funds will also be used in order to help create quality content, such as funding research, as well as travel expenses. The funding will also be used to promote the publication.
As additional funding comes in, portions of it will also be set aside in order to upgrade equipment, as it is needed. Being a community focused publication, as it grows, I will also be looking at ways to give more back. Once up and operating, a funds will also be set aside in order to help fund other endeavors, as well as support the area that has allowed this project to become reality.
My goal is to get this publication up and running as quickly as possible. I’m working to launch a limited issue beginning in February, and I hope to have a print issue by summer.(The community is filled with many great events, and wonderful athletes that deserve their time in the spot light. Such events have helped shape the culture of the community, and have had great impacts on the history of the area.)
To get this publication launched would be a dream. I truly loved the work I did while working as an editor, and I believe that it was work that was well received. The community needs a paper that focuses on the area, that evolves with the times, and gives back.
To see a sample of my work, go to www.Belzian.com.
For the last couple of years, I worked as the editor for a local weekly paper. While the paper had a relatively small reach, it eventually was able to expand quite considerably. I made the decision to begin my own news publication, which will focus on history, culture, and the blossoming art scene. This publication will provide more focus on the area’s community, instead of rehashing the same old news, which is found on one site after the other.
See Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/midwesterner
Contact Information:
Dustin White
GoFundMe, Forest and Paper Products, United States, Donation, Books & Publishing, English, Manufacturing & Production, Media & Entertainment, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language, North Dakota
Source: icnw