Amazing swing dancing peeps who came out to support Studio 310!
Amazing swing dancing peeps who came out to support Studio 310!

Welcome to the Studio 310 Coffee Shop Fundraiser Page!

What is the Studio 310 Coffee Shop?
Studio 310 is an artistic, love-driven, nonprofit coffee shop devoted to serving the highest quality specialty drinks. We are devoted to giving encouragement and inspiration to our community through social art events.

Look at the mug Cassie made for us!
Look at the mug Cassie made for us!

Our Mission
The Studio 310 coffee shop will be a home away from home, a go-to place for young adults who want to hang out and join in on inspiring art events like swing dancing, songwriting workshops, open mic sessions, and more. Our focus is to be a nonprofit coffee haven that loves God and loves people. By using all of our resources to further the mission of Jesus, we will love each person who walks through our doors. Studio 310 will offer an artistic atmosphere to people who are looking for a high-quality, soulful cup of coffee and a place that inspires them. By encouraging self-expression Studio 310’s art events will create a welcoming place for everyone to meet together, and be inspired to pursue their dreams.

Our Story
It all started with an idea, daring faith, and prayer.
“After many years of wondering and waiting, watching my friends sail into their callings, whether that was college, moving out of state for dream jobs, or wedding engagements, one day, I had enough faith to take a honest, hard look at my dreams and ask God for help. The problem was me. I wasn’t being true to my artistic heart, or believing that doing what I loved was possible. One day, God changed all of that in prayer, and encouraged me to combine my artistic side with my entrepreneurial side to create a coffee shop that blessed the world. He clearly spoke to my heart, ‘Call it Studio 310.’ A few months later, to my surprise, I received some encouraging confirmation on that word from the Lord. While I was at a church in Grand Prairie, singing at my friend’s event, I walked up a staircase to see a cork board promoting a ‘3:10 Coffee Stop’ ministry. I saw this as HUGE confirmation to the dream in my heart and began my own coffee shop journey.” – Autumn Eve Lowe, founder


 And we started dancing… I mean, FUNdraising…

We hooted and hollered at open mics… (again, FUNdraising)

 We even had girly clothing swaps! (Ehem, to FUNdraise of course)

 All of these generous people came together to help further the dream!

Where do you plan to open up shop?
Studio 310 hopes to make its home at the Cornerstone Campus Ministry, right across the street from the University of Texas at Arlington. The Cornerstone has a room for a coffee shop, and is currently set up to serve coffee to students. Our location is a prime spot to attract students looking for a homey place to study, load up on caffeine, and feel welcome. We are excited to host art events in our main room, helping young artists step out. At the intersection of UTA Boulevard and College Street, our property is easy to see and smack dab in the middle of the college scene.

Address: 312 College Street Arlington, TX 76010

The Cornerstone!


 Wachaw! Night!

With a bunch of creativity, hard work, and support, we can transform The Cornerstone’s coffee shop room into an amazing place for Studio 310 to launch! Check out what it looks like now:

When will you open?
We plan to open up the renovated shop with our espresso machine May of 2016!

How will you run the shop?
The Cornerstone Campus Ministry offers free espresso drinks to all who walk through its doors. We plan to keep it that way.

What will the Kickstarter funds go to?
With your generous support, the funds raised will go towards:

– Espresso machine
– Soft water treatment system 

Who will host in the coffee shop?
We are fortunate enough to be surrounded by an amazing team of people in The Cornerstone Community who are not only supportive, but incredibly talented. Our team members will be:

The Gracious Cornerstone volunteers who host the coffee shop and the following:
Grey the Great – Hard-Working Barista & Coffee Snob
Bright Pheonix – Inspirational Speaker and Party Starter
Sean Dickery Doc – Business Director and Everything Kinda Guy
Autumn Eve – Creative Director and People Connector

We are so excited to present you with our Studio 310 Kickstarter!
Thank you so much for considering helping us buy our espresso machine! We are in awe as we recognize the gracious supporters who stand with us and join the vision to see people get loved on through coffee and art. To God be the glory in all things.

Thanks for the amazing Kickstarter video, Joey!
Thanks for the amazing Kickstarter video, Joey!

Risks and challenges

Our sole mission is to represent Christ to the surrounding communities through this coffee shop, and the way we deal with challenges will represent this core value. Please keep us in prayer against any adversity that may arise in the spiritual realm as we lift high the name of Jesus.

Two potential obstacles we face:

– Opening during a slower period of time: summer of 2016
– Students who are unaware that there is a coffee shop accessible to them

Since we are opening in the summer of 2016, a slower time for the UTA community, we want to really connect with the students living on campus who are taking summer classes. We hope to make the most of this slow period by walking on campus to build relationships with the students we love and inviting them to Studio 310. We will be highly invitational this summer and not afraid to reach out to invite our Cornerstone Community and the UTA community with our social art events.

Many UTA students don’t know that we will be launching Studio 310, so we inform them this summer and especially this fall with flyers, blogs, invitations, social media marketing, and possibly a story about us in the Shorthorn. We will try it’s darndest to get UTA students informed of our whereabouts, and darn tootin, we’ll do it.

Studio 310 is an artistic, love-driven, nonprofit coffee shop devoted to serving the highest quality specialty drinks. We are devoted to giving encouragement and inspiration to our community through social art events.
See Campaign:
Contact Information:
Autumn Eve Lowe

Kickstarter, Reward, United States, Bars and Clubs, Beverages Non Alcoholic and Alcohol – Wine/Spirits, English, Food and Beverage, Industry verticals, Regions, Types of Crowdfunding deal, Language, Texas


Source: ICNW

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